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Friday, February 24, 2012

Part III - Fasnacht/Fasnet/Fasching/Carneval

Volksbank, the music is playing

The Champagne and Beer Bar

Dieter and Herr Budde

The Cashier Girls
I haven't been in Germany for lots of years during 'Fasnacht' time. Even when we went to exchange Euros for Swiss Franks in the local bank, the Village Music Band and the 'Fanfarenzug' stopped by to play and dance. Champagne and 'Tannenzaepfle' were flowing, Bretzels served, and nobody cared about customers. It was fun. I realized how much I miss it. We also drove to the Black Forest to visit Gengenbach. And lo and behold, they had their Fasnet children's parade. The 'Hexen' (men) and 'Spaetle' (women) are awesome. In Horheim, a little closer to home, every club from the village  had a booth set up, they served beer, wine, brats or other food items. It all ends with Ash Wednesday.

In the Black Forest, on the Way to Gengenbach

Schwarzwald Baar Kreis


Sauschwaenzle Bahn Viaduct

Vorbeck Schule, Gengenbach, my Alma Mater

Wurst Salat (Baloney Salad), it's sooo good!

Horig, horig, horig isch de Baer, und wenn dae Baer nit horig waer, do waer er au kein Baer!


I didn't take the sugar cube, the stork said I'd be pregnant the next day!

There was actually a baby in the buggy, dressed up like the mom too

Gengenbacher Hex

Wine, Schnapps and Bier Hut

Hexen without masks waiting for the Parade

I wish I was taller to take pictures

Gengenbacher Hex with Dieter

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are having a lot of fun. So enjoying your pictures.
